Complaint & Response

We are committed to providing our stakeholders with safe, accessible and effective channels to exercise their right to raise complaints about the work and behavior of staff from CAD and our partner organizations. We will seek to ensure that appropriate action is taken in relation to these complaints, and that feedback is given to all complainants.

Make a Complaint

Formal complaints can be made either directly from the complainant or via someone acting on their behalf.

General Complaints

For General Complaints, Fund raising complaints, Fraud & whistle blowing complaints and Safe guarding complaints contact CAD Complaint Officer.
To make a complaint, please contact CAD complaint officer via email, Phone: +923337111345​​

Definition of a complaint

A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction with a service, action, or behavior on the part of CAD or any of its program partner organizations. A valid complaint is one about actions for which CAD and/or our program partners are responsible, and must be both relevant to and within the control of CAD and/or the partner organization. Both CAD and its partners should be held accountable for the promises and the commitments we make, what we do, and how we do it.

CAD cannot respond to a complaint about:

  • Other organizations (except CAD partners)
  • Issues not related to our program
  • Local or national government, local authorities, etc.
  • Individual request for support outside of our program activities.

For these types of complaints, we should, in so far as we reasonably can, assist the complainant to make a safe referral to the appropriate body.