AgricultuRE & Food Security
Key Outputs
- 06 Pipe Irrigation Schemes rehabilitated.
- 10 Drip Irrigation Schemes Completed.
- 02 Irrigation Channels lining completed.05 Protective works completed (River /Stream Diversion, Channelization).
- 09 Check Dam schemes completed.
- 12 Livestock management training sessions conducted.
- 500 Animal vaccinated.
- 12 Poultry management training sessions conducted.
- 800 poultry vaccinated.
- 216 Poultry distributed along Cage and Kit.
- 05 Tons of livestock fodder & feed distributed.
- 03 Tons seed distributed.
- 15 model plots established for kitchen gardening.
- 15 Maize Demo plots established.
- 15 Mini Orchard established.
- 60,000 Wild plants distributed.
- 15,000 Fruit Plants distributed.