Message from Chairman

We are all impermanent in this Planet, we are just a visitor for few years. So, why don’t we do something remarkable before leaving this planet? Even a small effort will make a big difference in the society for giving something better for future generation.

We came into this world with nothing in our hands and when we leave this planet we take nothing with us. So when we are here we must do something for the development of the society. Social work is the only way which can change positively.

It gives me a great pleasure to announce that Creative Approaches for Development (CAD) has successfully completed more than one decade of its services in development sector. CAD has shown relentless efforts in supporting the poor and disadvantaged groups both in past and present, through its several capacity building programs. Through Dedication, commitment and hard workCAD achieved its goal and objectives.

CAD strongly believes that socioeconomic development of the area is possible if natural resources are properly explored and exploited as well as capacity of the human resource is build according to needs of the hour. In case of human resource development level playing field should be provided to each citizen without any religious, ethnic and communal differentiation.

As Chairman of this reputed Non-Profit Organization, I would like to offer a special note of gratitude to CAD staff, BoardMembers and volunteers and Partners for their relentless work in making CAD one of the mega development organization. All our staff, our partners and volunteers are so special to us; we would not be able to achieve the milestone without contribution of the team. We appreciate your efforts and we recognize that without your collaboration, dedication and commitment, CAD would not have been able to relish the success it has done till now.

Throughout this journey, we had the great opportunity to work in cooperation with government as well as various donor agencies like USAID/OFDA/Concern worldwide, ICIMOD ,Thrive/ CIADP,CAMP, South Asia Partnership, SDC, AKRSP,SEDP,AKEPB, NAVTTC,TUSDEC,ANFetc and contributed our efforts to make the planet a better living place.

NGO’s are the driving force for development as a whole, they form the strong foundation on which societies and economies build and prosper.

It gives me a great pleasure to see the impact that has been created in the lives of women as well as marginalized segment of society and now they are making efforts to make change and to enjoy prosperous life. Together we can face the future with confidence and optimism.

Creative Approaches for Development (CAD)