Our Mission, Vision & source of funds


Exploration and exploitation of natural resources and human resource in the area, for inclusive sustainable development based on social justice, gender equity and equality.

CAD comes with the striking mission of creating vibrant communities enjoying equal access to resources and development opportunities without any social, cultural, political, traditional ethnic or religious discrimination. Its mission is to raise vulnerable and neglected groups to a level where they can respond robustly to basic rights, the state policies speak more favorably of them and they can enjoy prosperity by pacing up with other groups of progressive society. Our policies are in conjunction with global humanitarian charters and international conventions and we maintain a practical approach for realizing Millennium Development Goals at grass-root level. Our efforts are mainly focusing for the achievement of socio-economic development, women empowerment, poverty eradication by using and applying people-centered tools and techniques, social infrastructure development and provision of alternate energy fuel source; ensuring environmental protection through promotion and protection of local, regional and national forests.

Aligned with the mission of organization, CAD has achieved to certain degree the objectives of community empowerment in the districts it has focused for development. A number of vulnerable groups, who lastly were subject to social and developmental discrimination, have been reached upon by us with the missing development opportunities.



The vision of CAD is to reduce poverty for Sustainable development through using local and indigenous resources and building capacity of manpower for prosperous, environmentally clean and gender sensitive, politically and economically empowered society on the basis of justice and fair play.

Source of Funds

The vision of CAD is to reduce poverty for Sustainable development through using local and indigenous resources and building capacity of manpower for prosperous, environmentally clean and gender sensitive, politically and economically empowered society on the basis of justice and fair play.