Who We Are

About Us

Creative Approaches for Development (CAD) is a non-profit and non-governmental humanitarian organization established in Chitral a district of KP Pakistan in the year 2009.CAD is duly registered with provincial Registrar of firms &Societies under societies Act 1860 – Serial No. 1764/5/6178 dated 07/04/2010 – under Societies Act XX1 of 1860.CAD is also registered with Provincial Registrar Joint stock companies KPK under section 5 of companies’ ordinance and registration number is 1984 3778/4/52.

At national level CAD is also duly registered with Security Exchange Commission of Pakistan the Economic Affairs Division, Ministry of Economic Affairs & Statistics under Registration No. 4(69) EA.NGO/06.

About Us

CAD has its core office in Chitral, and the organization is administered by a General body and a Council of Directors overseeing the execution of its yearly action plan and strategy.
CAD is the pioneer organization which is established with spirit of promoting voluntarism and self-help in the area. CAD is serving in upper& Lower Districts of Chitral either through its field offices or Core Office. CAD is focusing on both Chitral districts for capacity building of man-power through mobilization process and infrastructure development in coordination with local community, government departments and National and International Non-Government Organizations. Direct delivery of service is not the aim of the organization rather it works to mobilize and motivate deprived and disadvantaged segment of society so that they can solve their problems through self-help basis by using their own potential and living in their own culture. The organization achieves the objectives of long term sustainability by building upon the strategy of promoting community leadership in all of its program activities.

CAD is a development-oriented NGO. In Pakistan, CAD has launched a Five Year Plan 2019 – 2024. Under this Plan, CAD is undertaking programs associated with the socio-economic development of the country particularly in the fields of Alternate Energy, basic education, primary healthcare, small enterprise development, water and sanitation, women’s empowerment, environmental protection, civil society capacity building, relief rehabilitation and emergency response.